ICCCN 2019

28th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks
Valencia, Spain, 29/07/2019–01/08/2019

ICCCN is one of the leading international conferences for presenting novel ideas and fundamental advances in the fields of computer communications and networks. ICCCN serves to foster communication among researchers and practitioners with a common interest in improving communications and networking through scientific and technological innovation. The primary focus of the conference is on new and original research results in the areas of design, implementation, and applications of computer communications and networks.

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evento origine per pubblicazione
page_white_acrobatTuSoW: Tuple Spaces for Edge Computing (articolo in atti, 2019) — Giovanni Ciatto, Lorenzo Rizzato, Andrea Omicini, Stefano Mariani
evento contenitore per presentazione
page_white_powerpointTuSoW: Tuple Spaces for Edge Computing (ICCCN 2019, 01/08/2019) — Giovanni Ciatto (Andrea Omicini, Giovanni Ciatto, Lorenzo Rizzato, Stefano Mariani)